If you want to memorize the scriptures and make your life truly a walk with God, you absolutely need to read this book. It really is that important! TheSupreme Memory Bookwon’t bog you down with a mountain of complicated exercises and scientific theory. It’s a memorization system that l...
Although this was an unusual choice of scripture for a wedding, I remember being so thrilled as I heard of the fantastic promises of God for those who would walk in obedience to His commandments. ParaCrawl Corpus Methodius, translated (circa 864) Scripture and the liturgy into Slavonic, and...
“seek the Lᴏʀᴅ and his strength; seek his presence continually!” (Psalm 105:4). Settle for nothing less than a transforming, intimate daily relationship with your Father. Experience his love in prayer, Bible study, and worship. Practice...
with God about who you are and what you can do with his help. It's not enough to just read the scriptures. You have to take them personally and apply them to your life. That's where Scripture Affirmations come in. They are the first step you take in applying God's word to your ...
word to denote healing of the body as well as forgiveness of sins. Whenever you come across the word save, saved or salvation, remember to always translate it as "save - heal" when you come across it in the Word. Now you know where we came up with the domain name for our website ...
They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clearconscience.提摩太前書 3:9 要存清潔的良心、固守真道的奧秘。 2 Timothy 1:3 I thank God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a clearconscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.提摩太後書 ...
When we remember all that God has done, will do, and is doing in our lives, we are encouraged to love him in response to his love. Henri Nouwen said of us, “You are not what others, or even you, think about yourself. You are not what you do. You are not what you have.” ...
We find it after the parable of the soils (Matthew 13:3-9), when seed falls on different patches of ground, and the only place it can multiply is in the good soil, representing those who respond to God’s word with obedience.
Just remember that: “Everything that happens to you has meaning. Every moment of life has purpose. And God doesn’t step away from you for a single second of the journey.” Dayspring: “God In Every Moment” by Bonnie Rickner Jensen ...
Holy Scriptures and Israel is a ministry whose purpose is to share with the Jewish people the gospel of Jesus (Yeshua the Messiah) and to teach Christians the Jewish roots of their faith.