Bible verses on how to find peace of mind show you how peace is possible in any type of circumstance. Exploring these scriptures on peace of mind will help you find real peace, no matter what situations you’re facing...
to have to talk to your mind in a different manner. A persistently positive focus creates a consistently positive mind. The battle for a positive mind is fought on the battlefield of focus. In order to break the back of depression, you will have to learn how to persistently and ...
There are so many awesome scriptures on faith, but before I get to sharing them with you, I actually want to share the lyrics to a sweet little song that the children in my church sing. It teaches about how we need to trust in the Lord and live by faith, so we can live with Him...
The Huldah Gates In Jerusalem, on the southern wall of the Temple Mount, stand the remains of two ancient gates. Today these gates are sealed, and archeologists simply call them the “Double Gate” and the “Triple Gate” on account of the number of arches they have. Yet anciently these...
“Jehonadab represented or foreshadowed that class of people now on the earth [who] are out of harmony with Satan’s organization, who take their stand on the side of righteousness, and are the ones whom the Lord will preserve during the time of Armageddon, take them through that trouble,...
The point is — Jesus grounded his argument on a single word, “Lord,” within the Old Testament text.When certain Jews were offended by the fact that Jesus claimed to be the “Son of God,” the Lord constructed an ad hominem argument designed to highlight their inconsistency. If Christ...
"The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness." (NIV) Meaning:Here's another short Bible verse on love. God's love is eternal and it empowers humankind to love in God's likeness. ...
To install the current stable version of the package, type the following: install.packages("scriptuRs") library(scriptuRs) Alternatively, you can install the development version from Github: library(remotes) install_github("andrewheiss/scriptuRs") library(scriptuRs) Usage For some ideas on getting...
Scriptures the most literal restored Name version being the purest and closest to the original Hebrew, but they are a translation that has been done in accordance with the Father’s Laws on all accounts, handled by believers who love His Name, guard the Shabbath and hold fast to His ...
Psalms 1:1-3 says: “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams...