and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise."NOTE- Once a person finally understands that healing is a part of the finished work of grace along with salvation, paid for at the same time with the same healing Blood, then you can get excited about this verse saying; "You did it Lord...
Sam van Schaik: I spoke about my recent work on the role of magic in Buddhism, from a thousand-year-old book of spells from Dunhuang to the collections on modern practitioners documented under the Endangered Archives Programme. The book of spells is a small manuscript that contains a vast nu...
to them about the kingdom of God and to heal those who needed healing. convulsions.But Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit,healed the boy,and gave him back to his father. heal the sick that are there,and tell them, 'The kingdom of God is near you! ' ...
I was healed in my spirit, emotions, mind, will, and personality. It was a process that unfolded over several years, and I have enough firsthand experience to highly recommend God’s ways of restoration and healing rather than the world’s ways. It is much better to let God heal...
The Shaunakiya text is divided into four parts: Part 1: Kāṇḍas 1-7. It deals with healing and general black and white magic that is to be applied in all situations of life, from the first tooth of a baby to regaining kingship. Part 2: Kāndas 8-12. It constitutes early specu...
Do you see that you still need to get help for that? It still needs to be tended, to receive salve, sometimes to have infected places dug out, which will be painful. If it’s not tended, it can become gangrenous. While it’s healing, you’re not going to be able to use your ...
The Scriptures are described by the Fathers as being like wells (holding the water of the Holy Spirit, Who transforms our lives); water; living water; succulent food; medicines; healing plaster for wounds; tree leaves that heal; yeast (that transforms the whole lump of dough); a weapon; ...
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