For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and returns not there, but waters the earth, and makes it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me...
For no man can be saved, according to the words of Christ, save they shall have faith in his name; wherefore, if these things have ceased, then has faith ceased also; and awful is the state of man, for they are as though there had been no redemption made. But behold, my beloved ...
Anyway, presuming Ezra did minor edits to Ecclesiastes, he could well have used Persian and other loan words to replace Hebrew words which had been obscure or lost their meaning by his time in the 5th century B.C.The Bible, itself, says that a son of David and one who was King of Is...
The Scriptures (ISR 1998) 1What then is the advantage of the Yehuḏite, or what is the value of the circumcision? 2Much in every way! Because firstly indeed, that they were entrusted with the Words of Elohim.a 3For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief nullify the trus...
38 So it happened to me on the next day that a voice called me: “Ezra, open your mouth and drink what I give you to drink.” 39 So I opened my mouth, and a full cup was set before me. It was full of something like water, but its color was like fire. 40 I took it and ...
and my words which I have put in thy mouth, will not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed," &c. There are words without, and there must needs be a spirit within, which makes us to behold the truth and grace contained in these words. There is a law written...
14May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Read ChapterAll Versions Proverbs 5:1-22 1My son, pay attention to my wisdom, turn your ear to my words of insight, ...
27 However, not to give offense to them, go to the sea and cast a hook and take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to them for me and for yourself.” Soli Deo Gloria! Via Emmaus on the Road: Matthew 16 ...
23 Then Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it on both their shoulders, and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned backward, and they did not see their father's nakedness. GENESIS 11 Now the whole earth had one language, and the same words...
aIt's just the beginning of the day 它是天的初期[translate] aHappiness Every Day. 每天幸福。[translate] a• Separation • 分离[translate] a依然,在爱你 Still, is loving you[translate] amobile chicken 流动鸡[translate] aI'm dizzy.. Too many English words 我是头昏眼花的。 许多英国词[tr...