Christians often use the term “war room prayer” in reference to spiritual warfare, which is clearly taught in Scripture. War room prayer involves putting on the armor of God (seeEphesians 6:10-11), using spiritual weapons to demolish spiritual strongholds (see2 Corinthians 10:4-5) and pray...
Welcome We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the full knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding to lead a life worthy of the Lord, f
Welcome to YouthFire Ministries & Dr. Gregory Reid. A ministry committed to speaking truth to this generation since 1976. Spiritual warfare resources include: books, articles, videos & audio messages. Dr. Reid speaks extensively on spiritual warfare.
The loftiest spiritual utterances are often clad in the poorest scientific draperies. Who would dare deny the worth of the great moral insights of Dante? And who, on the other hand, would insist upon the lasting value of the science in which his deep penetrations are uttered? And so with ...
“woods”. The Aranyakas provide the link between the ritualistic Brahmanas and the philosophical Upanishads. The symbolic and spiritual aspects of the sacrificial religion are meditated upon in the Aranyakas while philosophical issues are discussed in the Upanishads. Most of the famous Upanishads are...
Their arguments are convincing, their teachings seem indisputable and their stand on what they believe is firm. How can you effectively communicate to the Mormons that their gospel does not match up with the Bible? One of the best ways is to ask penetrat
having Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, who has redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us (Gal. 3:13) who by His stripes we were healed (1 Peter 2:24), has made this scripture a reality to us (spiritual Zion) through His shed Blood on the cross!!!