Yes, it was a long time in the making and I feel grateful to say that it won the Georgia Writers Association’s 2023 John Lewis Grant for Fiction. 7. What else will we see coming from Netta Fei? More of the same, I hope. I’m working on the sequel toA Most Useful Betrothalwhich...
The real problem is not you, your brain, or even your age. It’s not the complexity of the scripture either. It lies in the way you tried to memorize it. It’s A FACT:Scripture memorization will help you grow stronger spiritually as you reflect on God’s promises wherever and whenever...
This book length paper seeks to explain the madness that is going on in society, how it is coming to a head this year and the next two years, what the background is and where this is all going. Each section has its own warnings and explanations. The introductory background section is ...
My husband and I stood on the Word, and my personal prayer was “God, thank you for restoring my family.” Not only did He restore it, He exceeded above all that I could ask for or think of. And it was only according to the power that works in me; His power. BMWK family, what...
Father, thank You for each decade of life and what it brings. Help me fall deeper in love with You so that when I reach my next “Zero” birthday (40, 50, etc.), I can look back and know that I left it all on the field for You. ...
If the appropriate stimulus could be kept up an external world might fall away and I would still think it was there. The bell might ring at the door and might be nobody there. And so on and on, through steps familiar enough to the student of philosophy. When a friend made a quick ...
“If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person”s work. If what has bee...
“If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person”s work. If what has bee...
Be sure and browse through ourHealing Check Listafter reading through these powerful promises of healing. This will help you stay on track! Be sure and take advantage of our freeMP3 Audio Teachings The Word of God is the Life of God.Believeit,Receiveit andActupon it!!!