conceived it, based on his study ofthescriptures. Adrichem 是一位罗马天主教牧师和圣经学者,这幅地图所描绘的是 Adrichem 根据自己对圣经的研究所设想出的圣地。 [...] remarkable buildings, fine statues, distinctive frescos, musical ...
It offers us the opportunity to focus on the eternal destiny of our friends, family, and neighbors. God calls us to reach out to others on His behalf.“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be ...
With the help of assistants, he sculpted dozens of figures inspired by Buddhist scriptures, in the mountaintop river bed on land belonging to his family. 在助理帮助下,佛教圣经雕刻了许多图启发的他,在山顶河床在属于他的家庭的土地。 ParaCrawl Corpus I am not a professional builder, but it ...
I’ve been here. Anxious and afraid for my children, especially after they left home—and not always on good terms. If you find yourself in this very same place, tell God about your feelings of fear and anxiety. Trust Him to handle the situation and practice patience while you are waitin...
This book length paper seeks to explain the madness that is going on in society, how it is coming to a head this year and the next two years, what the background is and where this is all going. Each section has its own warnings and explanations. The introductory background section is ...
3. kingship -- emphasis on david/ YAHWEH is israel's real king 1 Samuel macro-parallel with genesis 1-12orderly with creation/cycle of sin/covenant with barren woman 4 characteristics of Samuel: 1. judge (leadership)2. priest (sanctuary of shiloh/sanctuary)3. prophet (speaks for God)4. ...
family line. Healing has been revealed to us through the Word of God - declared to us through the shed covenant Blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. Every Scripture on this page is declaring your revealed covenant right. Dig in and take hold of it by faith and refuse to let go of ...
Color, race, creed, and other features were developed later on. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, meaning, the entire world is one family. “Ayambandhurayam netigananā laghuchetasām, Udāracharitānām tu vasudhaiva kutumbakam” (Maha Upanishad: Chapter 6, Verse 72), meaning, “One is my brother and...
And of course Psalm 23, which it such a beautiful word picture of our loving Good Shepherd’s gentility and love for us. What an honor it is to serve Him daily =0) We are truly blessed! reply to comment Misty Newsome Thank you for writing this. I saw it originally on FB and ...
God is a loving Father, and He wants to bless you in so many ways. Sometimes you may go through difficulties first, but there are always blessings on the other side. Remember, you can always rely on His strength to see you through, because He has overcome the world. ...