10. Pastor Deitrick Haddon and his wife Dominique are unashamed about getting their twerk on in their private time.About this time last year, he was criticized when a video showing his wife twerking on him at his 50th birthday party was released…He said he’s not always in pastor mode an...
This printable and editable excel file actually started out as a personal resource to use whenever I wanted to study. In fact, I really wasn't planning on making this available until a fellow Christian pleaded, "I need to have a copy of that!" This file contains the most popular Bible v...
1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. I will go sailing on the ocean of God's love. Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Ch...
位于OFF(下面)表示有效此位为1;位于ON(上面)表示无效此位为0,是2进制的表现形式。 Dials the code switch low 5 to control MODBUS ID.Is located OFF (under) to express effective this is 1; Is located ON (above) to express invalid this is 0, is 2 enters the system the manifestation.[...
This book-length paper fully explains what the Bible teaches on all issues related to modern life and the difficulties we all face. It explains perennial questions, such as: why am I here; what is the meaning of life; how did everything begin; what is the origin of evil; where did civ...
Highlighters Don’t Work Correctly on 12.9” iPad Pro I’ve been using the scriptures for years and they’re great! However, I recently purchased an iPad Pro 12.9” and the highlighters don’t always work correctly on that resolution (yet). For example, the labels (when you can get the...
Why am I paying for content I can’t watch anywhere!? In the age of streaming services you have got to get yourself better in the game. Unacceptable! The shows are continually being interrupted by a green circle which I presume to mean streaming. That goes on for quite awhile. Then a...
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better and we want it now. Debt is such a sneaky and insidious trap…in our country, people are lured by the “easy monthly payments” every single day. As a licensed CPA for nearly 2 decades, I have seen first-hand the devastation that poor money decisions can have on virtually ...
It’s good to keep these verses close by– maybe on a nightstand, posted on the fridge, or somewhere else they can be read often. Reading different Bible translations can give us a fresh perspective when we’ve gotten too comfortable with the words. Every day we walk through with our ...