sake of material reward that may come to them, but that they seek him for the sake of finding a resting place for their minds and souls, for the sake of cherishing an end which seems in itself worth while, for the sake of laying hold on a universe in which they can feel at home....
EmotionalAbundance– Enjoying peace and experiencing a balance of positive feelings. FinancialAbundance– With your needs being met, not living in debt and having extra to be BIG givers. Occupational Abundance– Finding purpose and truly enjoying the work of your hands. SocialAbundance– Fostering dee...
Everything that has been posted here must still be weighed by the reader in the balance with God’s Word the Bible, and prayerfully searched out (following the Bereans’ example) being entirely dependent on the guidance and empowerment of God’s Holy Spirit, such that only Truth (Jesus ...