One of the core doctrines of the Watchtower is that Jehovah's Witnesses form a"Great Crowd of Other Sheep" that will reside forever on earth. These are separate from the ruling class - the"Little Flock of 144,000". These terms never appear in the Bible, but are Watchtower concepts based...
- circumcision - election of israel Authority of the Torah Pharisee A Jewish sect at the time of Jesus known for its strict adherence to the Law. Sadducee An aristocratic Jewish sect that controlled Temple worship in Jesus' time. Essene ...
Bible > The Scriptures (ISR 1998) > Romans 3◄ Romans 3 ► The Scriptures (ISR 1998) 1What then is the advantage of the Yehuḏite, or what is the value of the circumcision? 2Much in every way! Because firstly indeed, that they were entrusted with the Words of Elohim.a 3For ...
It is written in the Scriptures: “The non-Jews speak against God’s name because of you Jews.” If you follow the law, then your circumcision has
in the Prophets, and in the Psalms: and besides, he was the minister of the circumcision, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers; and even agreeably to them, and upon the foundation of them, he had himself predicted his own sufferings: and as those were to be the rule of the ...
Ezekiel 20:5 sq. Three witnesses against Israel,—Egypt, the wilderness, Canaan.—“God anticipates men with His grace” (O.).—God’s election in relation to merit and demerit; not resting on the one, nor hindered by the other.—Circumcision was the sign of the election. The substance...
However, Scripture must always be interpreted in an ecclesiastical context – after all, it is the Church which has been entrusted with the Scriptures. We may not have an individualistic approach to the Bible. The Bible always has to be understood not only in its own context, ...
All scriptures quoted are from the King James Bible unless otherwise specified. You may like to first read the History of Sun-day Worship for very enlightening information on how Sunday worship actually began 2000 years before Christ and was devil worship. If you were not looking for a ...
What is the most common name for God in the Bible? Lord or YHWH What is the name for the official list of booksbelonging to both the Old and New Testaments of theBible? Canon What is the symbol of the covenant between God andAbraham? Circumcision What was David's sin? How did he tr...
Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the … Continue Reading The Gospel of the Circumcision Posted July 27, 20241 Comment on Lo-Ammi Lo-Ammi As He saith also in O...