Twitter Google Share on Facebook scripture (redirected fromThe Scriptures) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia scrip·ture (skrĭp′chər) n. 1. a.A sacred writing or book. b.A passage from such a writing or book. 2.oftenScriptureorScripturesThe writings collected as the Bible. ...
Do not rejoice, all you Philistines, that the rod that struck you is broken; from the root of thatsnakewill spring up aviper, its fruit will bea darting,venomousserpent. 以賽亞書 14:29 非利士全地阿、不要因擊打你的杖折斷就喜樂.因為從蛇的根、必生出毒蛇.他所生的、是火焰的飛龍。 Isaiah...
"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." (NIV) Meaning:A cord of three strands refers to both the Holy Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—as well as, marriage: two spouses in unity with God. 20. Mark...
50+ Powerful Scriptures to Speak Over Children (broken into groups of 10 to make it easier to digest and come back to) – All of these verses are from the ESV translation. You are a Child of God –“But to all who did receive Him, who believe in His name, He gave the right to ...
With nearly 2,000 of the most popular Bible verses broken down into 200 different categories,this is the largest collection of Bible quotes you’ll ever find. And no, you can't get it online or even in your local Christian bookstore, because I’m the one who put this together. ...
And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over. 21 And those who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children. Jesus Walks on the Water 22 Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed ...
Christ, in these words, discovers a very great concern for the fulfilling of Scripture; and that because it is the word of God, which must not be broken; and because throughout it he is spoken of, in the volume of it, it is written of him, to do the will of God; even in the ...
4.MATS is set up as aStudy Biblefor all 39 books of the Tanakh (OT) with the Torah (first 5 books) broken up into theAnnual Torah Reading Cycle, listing both theHaftorahsandBrit Chadashah(New Covenant) readings at the end of each Parsha (teaching portion). ...
texts. However, recently I have been unable to open the Doctrine and Covenants. I have deleted and reinstalled the app a couple of times to no effect. Everything except the Doctrine and Covenants opens and can be read normally. It looks like you have a broken link…Would you fix this ...
As I lay on the floor completely shattered–broken, all washed up–I poured out my heart to God. How can you forgive me? How can I go on?Bible verses I’d memorizedas a kid washed over me with amazing clarity; verses on forgiveness and God”s strength in my weakness; His sufficient...