19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” 20 Then he strictly charged the disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ. Jesus Foretells His Death ...
Disciple; apostolic origin Occasion of Ephesians Letter does not reflect any particular problemComposed as a circular letter written to numerous churches Theme of Ephesians Cosmic significance of the church According to Ephesians, the church is a ___ created by God in Christ and called to be the...
Look then what is in the Holy Scriptures, and you shall find it but a letter of death and ministration of condemnation while it is separated from him. Christ is the very life and spirit of the scriptures by whose virtue they quicken our souls. If you consider the perfect rule of righte...
andRIDICULE,andFALSE REPORTS, because we belong toCHRIST. TheDISCIPLEisNOTgreater thanHIS MASTER, nor theSERVANTthanHIS LORD. IfLIESandINSULTSwereHEAPEDupon ourSAVIOR,we needNOT WONDERif the sameWEAPONSare constantly used againstHIS PEOPLE. It is one ofSATAN’SgreatDEVICESto blacken theCHARACTERSofG...
and even "all" of them: John the beloved disciple, that leaned on his bosom, and Peter, that professed so much love to him, zeal for him, and faith in him; the three that had just seen him in his agony and bloody sweat, and everyone of them left him; not one stood by him, an...
As a Disciple of Jesus Christ, not only are we to follow His example, but He encourages us to strive to do even more! Faith in Jesus Christ and in His Gospel helps us to receive physical, spiritual, mental and emotional healing through His Atonement. ...
and all the three instances are in the Apocalypse -- the seven diadems' of the dragon (Rev.12:3), the ten diadems' of the beast (Rev.13:1), and the many diadems' of Christ (Rev.19:12). In each case Wesley, in the Notes, retained the original word, as the Revisers did in...
9and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. 10I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his su...
following Christ as a disciple is will be the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life ... it can even be dangerous ... and most of all, it will probably cause you all sorts of problems and troubles. It certainly did for Jesus Christ. But let me tell you ... the reward for...
Colossians 1:15-17, which will be quoted later, makes clear that God created all things through Jesus, hence the idea of God and Christ as the only two beings being involved in the creation is not a recent concept as they are the two mentioned in scripture. ...