San Francisco has long been one of America’s most irreligious cities, with Silicon Valley at the center of that resistance to faith. For most of the last decade, roughlyhalf of tech workersidentified as either atheist or agnostic. Yet, that resistance to God—and the gospel in particular—...
Everything has it’s time and place, there is no need to work harder than you are physically or mentally able. All that God asks of us is to do OUR best.“…see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has...
This Jubilee Shemitah of 2015 will mark the beginning of a prophetic series of events that could ultimately culminate seven Years later… at the SECOND COMING of Christ(however only God knows the time and date)when ALL real estate of the planet will be returned to its original owner, the Cr...
Several Vedic-era texts, especially the Grhyasutras (500 BCE), describe a range of sixteen or more samskaras (rites) that correspond to successive stages in a caste Hindu’s life, beginning at birth and ending with death. These include several post-natal sacraments like the pre-breast...