1.the collection of the books of the Christian Bible, comprising the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Revelation of St. John the Divine. 2.the covenant in which God's dispensation of grace is revealed through Jesus Christ. ...
The Pratyabhijnahrdayam translates as "The Doctrine of Self Recognition," and it is one of the main scriptures from Kashmir Shaivism. This short but enlightenment-packed text expounds a great vision of universal awareness and how we fit into the universe from the highest perspective. This rendi...
out of nothing, describing how god creates trinity god id one god in 3 persons; father, son, and holy spirit, bound by love imago dei image of god, man is created in god's image- intellect and free will sheva seven in hebrew
1.Hebrews 8, in describing how the New Covenant is better than the Old, quotes from Old Testament Scripture Jeremiah 31, which refers to a new covenant coming in “those days” (the days of the book of Hebrews), in which the Lord says, I will put my laws into their minds, and writ...
In 2 Peter 2:4, Peter uses the Greek word Tartarus ("Tartaros" Strong's Greek 5020.) which was a word adapted by Peter (or his scribe) describing a place very similar to the standard definition of "hell". This word was already allegedly in use at the time (Plato 400BC). The Arama...