we will be like the tree who receives a constant “supply of nourishment and refreshment.” God’s Word is our water of life which keeps us firmly rooted and grounded in the teachings of Jesus and His wonderful promises. When we neglect reading His Word, we will wither and die from the...
glorified humanity to judge the living and the dead. Because he is truly human, Christ can serve as a representative and substitute for fallen humans like us. God knows what it is to weep, to bleed, to suffer, and to die. Therefore, he is more than able to help us in our weakness ...
This is how to keep God's Sabbath holy. When you spend quality time with someone you love the love relationship grows and this is what happens when we keep God's Sabbath. See also 1John 1:3, 7.) Isaiah 66:22-23 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, ...
5 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace ...
”[...]TheJews might thinkabout our LordJesus what they want.Wesee that it happens as hesaid (in)Luke 21(:20–23):“Whenyousee Jerusalem surrounded by an armythen knowthat its desolationhas come near.[...]And therewill be great distress in the land andwrathagainst this people.”²...
What happens when in a dispute b between two women over a child Solomon calls for a sword to divorce between them. The mothers agree that a third party should care for the child. What types of writing are NOT found in the Old Testament ...
When we become willing to take up our cross—willing topresent our bodies a living sacrifice, holding nothing back—we find there is no necessary conflict between the hardships of life and the joy of our salvation. The turn of events continue to unfold—time and chance happens to us all—...
As this happens we catch repeated and glowing glimpses of the vast implications behind the truth of impermanence. It is as if all our lives we have been flying in an airplane through dark clouds and turbulence, when suddenly the plane soars above these into the clear, boundless sky. Inspired...