In that day, the LORD will punish with his sword, his fierce, great and powerful sword, Leviathan the glidingserpent, Leviathan the coilingserpent; he will slaythe monsterof the sea. 以賽亞書 27:1 到那日、耶和華必用他剛硬有力的大刀、刑罰鱷魚、就是那快行的蛇、刑罰鱷魚就是那曲行的蛇.並...
27 July 2024: Summary of the Tenets of Mysticism This is an important summary of the teachings, character and problems of mysticism. Many people are thoroughly confused about mysticism and even adopt pagan ideas as a result. Be warned. Be wise. 21 July 2024: The Toxic Warfare The world aro...