“Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has devoured us, he has thrown us into confusion, he has made us an empty jar. Like aserpenthe has swallowed us and filled his stomach with our delicacies, and then has spewed us out. 耶利米書 51:34 以色列人說、巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒吞滅我、壓碎我、使我成為...
To inspect the land, (1) the people; (2) the cities (whether fenced or encampments); (3) the vegetation. They were to bring back with them samples of the fruits of the land. It was about the season of the first ripe grapes. “In Palestine the first grapes ripen in August, partly ...
Bible Study Series: Search The Scriptures(25 pages). This section contains two parts: 1) General introduction expressing the need for each of us to personally search the scripture. 2) A brief introduction to each of the available bible study topics, except for the excerpts from the Book Of ...
Learn about the history, perpetrators, strategies and goal of this here. 5 January 2025: Israel: The Satanic deception of the modern church This is a very important paper. Christians should not fall for the errors of Dispensationalism which lead to supporting fleshly Israel. The Jews of ...
path and be done. You cannot be saved by simply accepting Jesus in your heart. It’s not that simple, accepting Him means more than just expressing this through words, it also takes an action. We must show our acceptance of Jesus Christ through our works. The great part about the ...
When did the exiles begin to return? When did they rebuild the Temple? in 538 bce issued an order allowing exiled Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple. Pre-exilic previous to the exile of the Jews to Babylon in about 600 b.c. ...
Then you willbegin to see the Language of RevelationEVERYWHEREin the rest of the Bible! TheTorah& theBiblical Prophetsare theSource & Originof the Book of Revelation. Almost ALLof theTorah& theBiblical ProphetsForeshadoworProphesyaboutYahshua’s 2nd Coming. ...
Bible > Commentary > Lange > 2 Kings◄ 2 Kings 18 ►Go Ad Free Log In
112. What was the prophet's job? Covenant advocate 116. Who are the major prophets? Describe them. Esiah to hezikia/ pre and postexile/ had disciples , jemrimiah there for fall of Judah/give in to Babylon concor/ new covinnant/ weeping prophit. Ezikial ...