and evenCHAINSandIMPRISONMENT. They wereSTONED, they wereSAWNin two, they wereKILLEDwith theSWORD. They went about inSKINSofSHEEPandGOATS, DESTITUTE, AFFLICTED, MISTREATED—of whom the world was not worthy—wandering about inDESERTS
But, the spirit of animals seeming comes to an end (Ecclesiastes 3:21) as animals are not ever mentioned in any resurrection (for more on resurrections, check out the article: What Did Early Christians Understand About the Resurrections?).Back to Solomon:22 So I perceived that nothing is be...
It appears that the global elite have a really good idea of what is coming, and they have already taken substantial steps to prepare for it. Sadly, most of the general population is absolutely clueless about the financial collapse that is about to take place, and thus most of them will...
In Mark 4:10 we read that Jesus, when He had just finished telling the parable of the Sower, was asked by His disciples what the parable meant; “And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable.” In Mark 4:13, Jesus gave the following re...
Watts has in mind the notion of scriptures across religious tra-ditions. He notes that such a “functional model of scripture ... might help us betterunderstand those religious traditions that are self-consciously ‘scriptural’ and toevaluate their claims about the role of scripture within their...
Differences in interprettations are not lies--branding me a liar and false, as various apostates, Laodiceans, and others have done, is them bearing false witness, in violation of the ninth commandment. Notice the following that was said about Jesus: ...