The very next verse, of Scripture furnishes another example of the same thing. The Authorized Version translates Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.' But the Greek is o ths dikaiosunhV stefanoV the crown of righteousness.' So Wesley renders it in the Notes. And so...
They are going to the Scriptures, and are receiving fresh understanding of the New and Everlasting Covenant, as the Holy Spirit leads and guides His people into all Truth. They are also being warned to testeverythingagainst the Scriptures, because of the flood of deception, error, and wickedn...
It has been insinuated that the Independents made this change intentionally; D'Israeli, indeed, goes so far as to charge Field, the king's printer, with receiving a present of £1500 to make it; and only the fact of its being first found in a Cambridge University edition disproves the...
But what about all the official assurances we will be receiving in the end times that things are fine and/or under control? Notice something that the Bible warns about:3 "For when they say, 'Peace and safety!', then sudden destruction comes upon them" (I Thessalonians 5:3). Sudden dest...