2. “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him;I will surely defend my ways to His face.”Job 13:15…Job was a man who had been blessed spiritually and materially, but God allowed all of his materials blessings to be taken away to prove to the devil if Job would still serve God...
Welcome We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the full knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding to lead a life worthy of the Lord, f
Job 100 illustrations, 8 stories including:God and Satan Make a Bet, God Kills Job’s Children, God Physically Tortures Job, God Refuses to Explain His Cruelty…Daniel 28 illustrations, 4 stories including:Daniel’s Friends Are Fired, Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, The Writing on the Wall, Daniel ...
How easy following this command would be if we could just decide, once and for all, to stop worrying about the world and its demands; if, having pledged ourselves to Jesus, we could just forget about the things that used to obsess us. But answering the call is never this easy. The ca...
“Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you.”–Job 22:21 “He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’”–Psalms 46:10 ...
job's central characters 1. Job 2. God 3. Ha-Satan "adversary" 4. the friends -- representative of traditional wisdom, voice of reason Ha-Satan means... "the adversary", it is a title not a name God's Speeches (Book of Job) -God does come to Job, but God offers no answers on...
a峨眉派功法介于少林阳刚与武当阴柔之间,亦柔亦刚,内外相重,长短并用。攻防兼具入拳经上讲:“拳不接手,枪不走圈,剑不行尾,方是峨眉。”“化万法为一法,以一法破万法。”总之是以弱胜强,真假虚实并用,站在女子的地位融汇了南拳、少林、武当等众家之长。 Omei sent the merit law to be situated between...
The premise of the movie was someone named Bruce (played by Jim Carry) complained about God and how he did not feel that God was doing His job right. So, in the movie, God allowed Bruce to be able to hear and answer prayers for a region....
about the detail is important. If you are looking at a credit card statement, for example, it is a good idea to discuss and review the purchases that are there. It is like the friends I mentioned above who looked at everything over $5. Their approach was close to extreme, but it ...
19. God is asking you to step out in faith about something. Please seek wise counsel on this to ensure you don’t make unnecessary or unbiblical decisions in your zeal. For example, God could be encouraging you to quit your job, but NOT in your timing. Too often we forget to apply ...