As I read the scriptures for myself, I quickly realized how much I wanted my children to believe deeply these truths about their identity. We can fall into the trap of reading the Bible and thinking it is all about US instead of God’s story about HIM. It’s always important to know ...
You need to look at yourself through God's eyes of love to understand what it means to be one of his children. You need to learn the facts of love. Micah 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good; and what the Lord requires of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, ...
We will sink or swim in God's ocean of love. The Bible reveals the heart of God. It tells us how God thinks and feels about you and me. Scriptures from the Bible tell us how God connects with people just like you and me.
he decides with his children, with this grandchildren, with the grandparents, with the congregation, with the other pastors, if he moves to divorce, they need to say, Something horrific has to be happening in that household.” Now the nosy part of me wants to know why did Bishop Jones ...
In the Christian Greek Scriptures syg·ge·nesʹ refers to a relative by blood, but it is never used in speaking of the relation between parents and children. 《希腊语经卷》中,syg·ge·nesʹ“西格内斯”是指有血缘关系的家庭之间的成员,但这个词从不会用来指父母子女之间的关系。 jw2019 ...
The Brick Bible series now has over 250,000 books in print!Order yours directly from the author’s web store to get a keepsake autographed copy. Or find Brick Bible and Brick Bible for Kids books at retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble. From the creator of The Brick Bible: Revolu...
God, in His mercy and kindness, continues to answer the prayers of His children. Occasionally, however, it seems as though there is some confusion as to what prayer is and what it is not. Imagine that you’re on the Family Feud. Your family is amped up and excited about the prospect ...
The most positive force in the universe is God's love. The Bible tells the story of God's love, and that is why the Bible is the most positive book ever written. The Bible reveals the mind and heart of God. It tells us how God thinks and feels about you and me. ...
When you want to get better, and you expect to get better, you will no longer talk about your problems. You will start talking to your problems and mountains will start moving in your life. Positive Scriptures from the Bible will help you speak to the mountains in your life. ...
Taken from John Gill's Exposition of the Bible John 5:39 In-Context 37 "The Father who sent me has himself given witness about me. You have never heard his voice. You have never seen what he really looks like. 38 And his word does not live in you. This is because you do not...