Fearing God means to have such a reverence for Him that it influences the way I live. This reverence and admiration of God is what the fear of God means for me as a Christian. This is the motivation for me to surrender my whole self to God, the Creator of the Universe; the key to...
3.3HolyScriptureasPerformative forthe Formationof theCommunityof FaithTheformationof theJewishBibleis closelyrelated to theformationof thepeopleofIsrael.Afterthemonarchydisappeared,identityfor Jews wasprovidedthrough thepriestswho broughtthemtogethertoworship.Forthispurpose,the Psalmswerecompiledwhileotherwisdomtexts...
It certainly was all of these things, but it was so much more than that at the same time. It was all of these elements working together to create a cumulative effect that refreshed my spirit and renewed my focus on God. A week before this event, I had worked my night shift...
and everyone must serve God as a priest together with all others. The New Testament congregation is a "body" of believers where all members participate in the service of God decently and in order. Yet in most evangelical churches the majority of members function merely as spectators. We believ...
Using our intellect, our emotions/attitudes, and our behaviors/actions together in the presence of the Holy Spirit is a powerful way to grow spiritually. It engages our whole person by exposing all areas of our lives to God’s Word. This is much more difficult than just using one corner ...
Psalm 65 closes with singing in verse 13: “The meadows clothe themselves with flocks, the valleys deck themselves with grain, they shout and sing together for joy.” Perhaps we associate singing with worship more than any other activity, though all of a church service and all of our lives...
God Works All Things Together for Good Romans 8:28 assures us that God is in control, even in suffering, and is working out His good purposes for those who love Him. Some of our experiences may arise from hearts that are bent on evil and harm toward us, but God ultimately controls the...
Unto Thee, O God, do we give thanks,unto Theedo we give thanks: forthatThy name is near Thy wondrous works declare. –Psalm 75:1 Share this: Tweet Email Share on Tumblr Print Reddit Loading... 6/5/2024 For Godismy King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth. –Psal...
Meditating on God’s Love I was leading a high school girls’ retreat the other day and was given the task of putting together some different prayer experiences for the girls. These had to be self-guided, which ruled out my usual Ignatian Meditation and Lectio options. I was stumped, ...
That it’s through God’s Word that we primarily learn to love Christ and are transformed into the image of Christ. It was the good people at HarperChristian who brought us all together on the project. What are the six sessions in the Abide Bible Course about?