We so often read our Bibles and read familiar passages that remind us that with God all things are possible. We are reminded of this when Lazarus was raised from the dead (John 11:44), the woman who suffered the issue of blood for twelve years (Mark 5:34) and was healed, and of ...
All things are possible because I believe.Mark 9:23 I have everything I need to live an excellent life. I am connected to the One who is the Source of all good things.James 4:2 I am not afraid. God said it, and I believe it.Mark 5:36 ...
This site is all about learning the content of the Bible accurately and responsibly, and thereby knowing and serving the God of the Bible well. There are two general categories of topics taught on this site: Bible and Theology. Bible resources teach the nature and content of the Bible itself...
He ask us to take the cup and when we drink from it remember the blood His Son shed and allow this demonstration to reflect death and the resurrection. In our thought process (by thinking on these things) we are in communication with God. He further ask us to take the Bread, break it...
if possible, to extirpate it. They have given out a law concerning Scripture, as Pharaoh did the midwives, concerning the Hebrew women’s children, to strangle it in the birth; but God has preserved this blessed Book inviolable to this day. The devil and his agents have been blowing at ...
In my book The Death of Omnipotence and Birth of Amipotence, I explain how omnipotence and almighty are not rightly associated with scripture. In this essay, I lay out the problem with English translations of the New Testament that call God “almighty.”...
(6) The technicalities of scholarship may be out of the ordinary Bible-reader’s reach, but none the less he can, with God’s blessing, grasp all the main truths of God’s message. ‘Those things which are necessary to be known, believed, and observed, for salvation, are so clearly ...
Scripture - Bible, Torah, Quran: The most precisely fixed canons are those that have been defined by official religious bodies. The Jewish canon, known to Christians as the Old Testament, was fixed by a synod of rabbis held at Yavneh, Palestine, about 90
The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and foretold the gospel to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.”Acts 7:38He was in the assembly in the wilderness with the angel who spoke to him on Mount Sinai, and with our fathers. And he received ...
All of the methods in his book are time tested and proven to bring you results right away. When this book was released in 1909, it brought thousands of people closer to God. People who... …Wanted desperately to improve their relationships with God ...