for the matter to be determined is of such a kind that, unless we grant the Church to be infallible, it is quite possible that she may, at any given period of her existence, determine erroneously; and one sees not why the question may not be as successfully investigated by a private in...
God created man, male and female, after the image of God with reason, and the law of God written in the heart (also known as the conscience); and He gave them a command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. With the power to obey and the possibility to ...
But Brunner also has a broader horizon in view: as dark clouds gather over Europe and the east “many are beginning to listen to Truth which is not from man.” The Word of God is the one thing which is able to unit East and West, the whole dismembered mankind, and to reshape it in...
“The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’” From this Bible verse about relationships, we can see clearly that God created man and woman to be together for companionship, love and friendship. Desiring a companion and partne...
people, and exalted you above all human beings, to tell us what Moses hath decreed concerning adultery between a married man and a married woman.” He made reply: “O Muḥammad! death by stoning is the law.” Muḥammad observed: “Why is it then that this law is annulled and ...
“Through the Holy Spirit, God himself speaks through the Bible as it is read and preached. That’s why Scripture is our supreme authority—because it is the voice of God.” “The supremacy which God-through-Scripture claims over us is the loving, liberating, life-giving rule of a loving...
“If God is a loving God, then why is there suffering and death in this world?” “If God is in control, then why are there wars and so much suffering?” Two key elements in these questions: “love” and “control.” Here is where the“God”people often stumble over themselves and...
Why can’t he, if Job knows that the sun gives light? God is referring to the light He created without any dimensional source. For example, Psalm 74:16 says “You have prepared the light and the sun,” which distinguishes the two sources of light. Ecclesiastes 12:1-2 also says “...
69But from now on, the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God.” 70They all asked, “Are you then the Son of God?” He replied, “You say that I am.” 71Then they said, “Why do we need any more testimony? We have heard it from his own lips.” ...
Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:4-7) Who confers distinction on you? What do you possess that you have not received? And if you have received it, why are you boasting as if you did not receive it...