“See” the people around you. Listen to them. Look for opportunities to help and encourage. What does that look like for us? It is difficult sometimes because they are uncomfortable asking or don’t want to be “pushy” or offend someone by trying to help. ...
Because of the fast growing popularity of the internet, some evangelical groups have tapped into this medium to be able to connect, and share the word of God with people who are too busy to get out of their houses and go to church. ...
32 、The God who is revealed in Scripture neither suffers (impassable) nor changes (immutable), in himself.───启示于圣经中的神,在祂自己里面没有苦难(不相通的属性),也不会改变(不改变的属性)。 33 、I didn't know you knewscriptureso well.─── 我没想到你对圣经这么了解 34 、All Scriptu...
Whether you're a parent dealing with ADHD yourself or raising kids who are, understanding this condition is a crucial first step in creating a supportive and thriving family environment.Today on Christianity.com 5 Steps Towards Healing from Church Hurt The Promise That Keeps Me Following Jesus ...
Why would someone say that people who are not in covenant with Yahweh are not held to the same... Why did God place unclean animals on the Ark ? Why did God place unclean animals on the Ark? Hello Sibling! This is a great question. The Father... ...
During that time it was Sacred Tradition that guided the Church, coming from the same apostles who largely wrote the New Testament. That being said, everything they taught that is meant to be an article of faith is in some sense in the Bible. Did you like this content? Please help keep...
(YouTube link) /(Video)/(Audio Only)Clickherefor allAudio/Videostudies.We have collated Scripture Studies articles into complete PDF eBooks, each eBookcontaining all studies for a specific book of the Bible. The following eBooks are availablefor download, free of charge:Scripture Studies on the...
If you're reading this, we know you are the kind of person who wants to be a better student of the scriptures. You want to go deeper, faster, and retrieve your insights instantly so you always have your discoveries at your fingertips and don't have to re-create the thinking that obtai...
There are some Protestant apologists who are making the claim that the early church fathers taught that scripture was sufficient. Some of them are careful to admit that the sufficiency taught by the fathers is a material sufficiency but some of them are asserting that the fathers taught that scr...
Who Are Your Friends? - Steve Lawson 1:02 Unbiblical Church Music - Pastors Speak Out 37:59 Ladies, Does How You Dress Cause Men to Lust? - Al Martin 30:56 Amazing! - The Bible & America's first elementary school textbook 14:46 ...