This concept of Scripture is fully upheld by theChristianteaching.Jesus ChristHimself appeals to the authority of Scripture, “Search the scriptures” (John, v, 39); He maintains that “one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled” (Matt., v, 18); He regar...
where Jesus died or this is the spot where Mary met Elizabeth. Since it doesn’t really matter, I didn’t much mind, but it did get frustrating, waiting in line for half an hour to see a place where Jesus maybe was 2000 years ago when I could walk right in to the chapel where ...
In an earlier post, I gave a rather unflattering account of the conduct of the Disciples during the ordeal of Jesus’ arrest, mock trial, and illegal execution. The account was accurate. It’s another occasion where all grounds for human pride and boasting are removed. It was the Women who...
Along the way, I realized that, as followers of Jesus, we must be united on the core beliefs based on God’s grace, compassion, and love expressed perfectly through Jesus. This is where God’s power is most effective. People can know the real Jesus for themselves if they only take time...
Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2 Love your neighbor Jesus said: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the...
As promised in my last post, “How to Kill Bitterness Before it Kills Your Heart,” I’m here today to provide a follow-up on how to have a hard conversation with an offender in our lives. Allow me to use the following words of Jesus as our guide for much of what I will share ...
First, as mentioned, the theme of devotion to God actually started in Jesus’ comment on the scribes, where he said thatas a show they made long prayers(12:40). Their devotion was a false one. This is set in shark contrast to the devotion of the poor widow. Incidentally, even biblical...
Today, though, my sense is that Jesus himself is less culturally central, less necessary to religious entrepreneurs — as though where Americans are going now in their post-Christian explorations, they don’t want or need his blessing.
How could God, when once the Daystar of the beauty of Jesus had disappeared from the sight of His people, and ascended unto the fourth heaven, cause His holy Book, His most great testimony amongst His creatures, to disappear also? What would be left to that people to cling to from the...
In the gospel this Sunday Jesus says, “Whoever loves me will keep my word.” I think Jesus is demonstrating a reality to this life. To really love someone is more than just words. To love someone is more than a feeling or a sentiment. Love isn’t just black and white. We can love...