"So let us come boldly to the very throne of God and stay there to receive his mercy and to find grace to help us in our times of need." Heb. 4:16
Dear readers, before closing your eyes tonight, look around you. Try to find at least ten things you can thank God for. Don’t exclude any telephone calls or unexpected guest that happened to drop by. I’ll share with you a secret I use on unwanted telemarketer phone calls. Those type...
and He never told me what I did right to deserve my reward. It wasn’t as easy as, “obey God and find a ram in the thicket.” I obeyed God as much as you did, but my children still died. God never sent me a ram.
Who God is, and who we are, is revealed to us in Jesus Christ by God Himself. God had to come to us as man to show us ourselves, our own creation, and our own sin. …“Behold the man,” the image of God.Thatis Jesus, man as God wanted him to be when He created him, the...
God has not rejected his people, whom he chose from the beginning. You know what the scripture says in the passage where Elijah pleads with God against Israel: International Standard VersionGod has not rejected his people whom he chose long ago. Do you not know what the Scripture says in ...
no religious activity can ever satisfy the perfect righteousness of God. Works do not save—they never have, and they never will. The only work that matters is the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, where He bore the penalty for sin in full (Mark 10:45; Rom 5:8; 1 Pet 3...
We are perfect before God when we ask Jesus to come into our lives, and we believe him. His righteousness is imputed to us “And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God. James...
One approach to Scripture that calls us to work through the text in a very intentional way is lectio divina (divine reading), an ancient form of prayer in which we ruminate on the text in order to encounter God. Cows are ruminant animals–they chew the cud, working through it again and...
2.The first certain notice which we have of the existence of any of the New-Testament writings in a collected form occurs in2Pe 3:16, where the writer speaks of the epistles of Paul in such a way as to lead us to infer that at that time the whole or the greater part of these we...
God’s love keeps us secure. In college, a friend and I were listening to the hymn, “O Love That Wilt not Let Me Go.” She commented that the song title seemed odd. But it’s not if you’ve ever felt unsure of someone’s love. Even the best human love will fail us at times...