and begin a calling ’em as soon as he crosses th’ doorstuns: but may-be, he thinks it his duty like to tell ’em what’s wrong; and very oft he comes o’ purpose to reprove folk for not coming to church, or not kneeling an’ standing when other folks does, or going to th’...
"When this position is taken to an extreme (as it has been by some Protestants) the individual becomes the supreme authority on the meaning of Scripture, claiming revelation from the Holy Spirit to authenticate an interpretation not necessarily validated by the Church as a whole."[4] Common ob...
Like the Ethiopian eunuch, we often need a “Philip” to come along side of us to help us know what to do when we come to the Bible (Acts 8:26-40), someone who can model the process. Is it significant to have a pastor and professor work together on this project?We hope...
and sometimes it hurts. When areas of our lives no longer produce fruit, when a daily task no longer seems meaningful or when a love for a mere diversion becomes a total time waster, we need to evaluate.
and from the pursuit incur and admit the name of heretics. Thus, not being Christians, they have acquired no right to the Christian Scriptures; and it may be very fairly said to them, “Who are you? When and whence did you come?” Tertullian, Prescription against the Heretics, 37 (A....
while the poor got poorer. I felt upset when a misogynist politician got into power. I forgot that God’s ways are higher than ours, and that the Almighty God is working behind the scene to put things right. Those in positions of power do not have the last word. Our job is to remai...
when there is widespread confusion and ignorance about the true nature of Christ’s Church and about the right approach to Holy Scripture. It can provide invaluable help to Orthodox Christians in understanding their Faith more deeply, and in defending and giving an account of it when confronted ...
This becomes clear when you understand that we are all subject to death, but for those who don’t believe, they die forever (the second death) after their resurrection of the condemned that Jesus spoke of in John 5:29. John makes it even clearer when He was inspired to write these word...
It then becomes clear to me I am actually not alone. God sits in the boat with me, gestures toward it all and says, “I did this all for you, to show you how much I love you.” When our kids were just starting their own families, we went to a cabin in Wisconsin for several ...
But right now I’m concentrating on the “power of the resurrection.” When I wrote about the Incarnation I was amazed at how so much Divine energy and personality could be compressed into such a small space. Deity becoming an infant! Eternity being compressed into a mere moment of time. ...