At the time when Jesus was born, there was no kingdom to speak of, no Davidic heir in the wings. But the intervening centuries had produced a body of prophecy and reflection on the meaning and fulfillment of God's covenant with David. That literature - both biblical and extra-biblical ...
Whatever the answer to this historical problem, it cannot be doubted that Mark portrays the meal as a Passover meal. In verse 12 when the lambs are being sacrificed, the disciples ask Jesus where he would like to eat the Passover. Verses 14 and 16 clearly state that they prepared the Pa...
He’s the one, you see, who on being questioned by the Lord about who the disciples said he was, replied, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ On hearing this, Jesus said to him, ‘Blessed are you, Simon Bar Jona, because flesh and blood did not reveal it to you...
When Jesus was here, his closest friends (the Disciples) and perhaps some others wrote down the things Jesus said and did. They just recorded things as they happened and recorded them for us in what we call “The Gospels.” It was Paul, above all others, who interpreted the meaning of ...
So the question today is: “Are you waiting for certain events to happen before you get serious with God? Will we be found like the person whose home is broken into? Will it surprise us? Are you ready? What will be your response when Jesus comes?
When Jesus left this earth, he made a promise to his disciples and to us. It was a promise of the work being passed on to the omnipresent Spirit. “But now I go away to Him who sent Me…I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away...
“The supremacy of Scripture is not a dictate imposed on us by a faceless despot. The words of Scripture are the words of Jesus, the Good Shepherd who laid down his life for his people.” “God becomes supreme in our hearts not by battering us into submission but by gently changing our...
Matt. 19:6 – after referring to God’s divine plan for man and woman, Jesus says a husband and wife become one flesh, which ultimately reflects God’s union with humanity through the Church. Homosexual unions pervert this divine truth of God’s love for and union with the human race. ...
Jesus Christ:Christ is the eternally-existing Son of God. When He came to earth, Jesus was 100% God and 100% man. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, and died on a Roman cross for all mankind. By His blood, Jesus atoned (paid) for our sins. There...
Two disciples on the Emmaus road learned the lesson. Jesus explained and began “at Moses and all the prophets... and expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24: 27). Below are just a few of the other examples like a window into the Word of God...