When Jesus died on the cross, type met anti-type and the schoolmaster of the sacrifices ceased. Its job of teaching of the coming of Christ through actual practice was over. We no longer need to practice it, but we can learn much about the plan of salvation through it. We now understan...
We also learned there was a School Master whose job was finished when Jesus died on the cross. This was the laws contained in ordinances i.e., the ceremonial and sacrificial laws that pointed forward to Jesus in types and shadows. In the series“Is Obedience only for the Legalistic?”it ...
Jesus.” The phrase “blessed are you among women” really means “you are most blessed of all women.” A circumlocution is used because there is no superlative in the Greek language. Note also that Elizabeth praises Mary first, and then Jesus. This is hyperdulia (but not latria which ...
He ask us to take the cup and when we drink from it remember the blood His Son shed and allow this demonstration to reflect death and the resurrection. In our thought process (by thinking on these things) we are in communication with God. He further ask us to take the Bread, break it...
that cannot be shaken is God’s eternal kingdom. God’s kingdom is given to us when we believe in Jesus. We need to place our hope and trust in His kingdom, not worldly things. This requires us to let go of the things of this world that impede us and fix our eyes on Jesus. ...
“Whenever we have to choose between what the Bible says and what anything else says, we choose the Bible every time.” “The supremacy of Scripture is not a dictate imposed on us by a faceless despot. The words of Scripture are the words of Jesus, the Good Shepherd who laid down his...
penalty, and that his obedient life is now your righteousness.†The Evangelical experience of conversion is typified by these elements: conviction of sin, power of preached Word, call to faith, focus on Jesus Christ and his saving work on the Cross, and personal heart ...
1On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. ...
— but I am perfectly loved the same every day by God and Jesus. I want to live my life to please Them, sharing Their love and grace and forgiveness with people in my life – and sharing Their Word. But, where do you put “work out your salvation with fear and trembling?” I ...
God placed himself in a woman’s care when he came to earth, then entrusted a woman to announce his resurrection when he came back to life.” ( Liz Curtis Higgs) “The simple acts of generosity and community in daily life are the acts that make real the living presence of Jesus.” (...