Christmas is the most theological time of the year. It’s the time when the second member of the Trinity, God the Son, came into this world and took upon Himself humanity (John 1:1, 14). At a moment in time, in the womb of the virgin Mary, by a supernatural act of God the Hol...
Interestingly, when I checked the newer translations (NIV, NLT, NLV), the word “saint” was absent. The exact Greek and Hebrew words are available, but “saint” is often replaced with a phrase like “holy one of the Lord.” This would seem to be in line with the aura of a saint....
The church is called to be a community of love. When we pay attention to God's theological handwriting we see that it is impossible to call yourself a Christ-follower in any sense if you do not love. Love, we have witnessed, rises up within us out of a certain orientation toward the...
To ask the question, then, “Is there a God?” is to fail to be morally serious. For when one is morally serious one knows that good is not evil, that right and wrong are two different things, that one should seek the right and eschew the wrong. There is a divine order to which...
When I say it is not a “stand-alone” book, though, I mean more than that it is part of a group. Just as Exodus is a sequel to what happened in Genesis, so Leviticus chronologically follows what happened in Exodus. In Exodus Goddelivered His people from Egypt. In Exodus 19 we find...
My kids heard this from me a few too many times when they were adolescents navigating high school and... Susie Renzema Dec 22, 20223 min read Covenant of Christmas I feel like there's no possible way I can do justice to these verses, especially verses 33 to 35, I’ve been sitting ...
Therefore, when I think of David counting the fighting men (which is what got him in trouble earlier in 2 Samuel 24), I have to admit David’s census resonates with me. I would want to count the soldiers too, and I would say it is responsible. Any good military leader would want ...
Jesus said that when we think like men, we stumble. How we think and what we think is important. Wrong thinking trips us up. We need a new way of thinking; we need to think as God thinks. Learning to think the way that God thinks starts with positive scriptures. In the scriptures ...
I pray for my brothers and sisters today who may be struggling in their faith. Please remind them that when we are faithless, you remain faithful. Help us to remember that you're the way, the truth, and the life and that no one can snatch us out of your hands. ...
We all have times in our lives when we need to make decisions. You know the type: those decisions that require wisdom. This kind of wisdom can only be found in Christ; wisdom we need to seek through His Word. However, Scripture is not a catalogue of “do’s and do nots” of all ...