What does the crossing of the Red Sea prefigure? baptism Signs God gave Moses so that Pharaoh would believe he encountered God Staff turned into a snake, his hand became leprous, and the water turned into blood Significance of fire and smoke Shows God's presence Israel's song of praise af...
decisions cannot be made without taking them to the Lord in prayer. We need to express our needs, our desires, and our hopes. Give Him the glory for all he has done for us and what He will continue to do. He knows our needs before we ask, but we...
That is not a rational conclusion. Prejudice of any sort is emotional. It is wrong to hate anyone whom God created. Do you remember that later that same day Jesus prayed and said: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Now this raises a question. Not simply a ...
as Jesus said, that ‘He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father,’ then I can say, ‘In Thy tenderness, in Thy patience, in Thy attracting of the publican and the harlot, in Thy sympathy with all the erring and the sorrowful, and, most of all, in Thy agony and passion,...
The snake replied, “That’s not true; you will not die.God said that because he knows that when you eat it, you will be like God and know what is good and what is bad.” Genesis 3:2-4 The woman saw how beautiful the tree was and how good its fruit would be to eat, and sh...
”The separation of Jew and Gentile had been a tradition for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. They were looked upon as “inferior” in many ways. Also, the laws contained in ordinances would give way. Their job as the School Master to bring people to Christ was finished. Type had...
Surely, we all want to live as we ought, represent the truth of The Word, and show integrity in all we do—seen and unseen. Don’t be double minded but seek to do what is right in His eyes and others. Father, teach us to speak with integrity to honour you. Cleanse our heart and...