Verses about AsaphBible Verses about AsherBible Verses about AttitudeBible Verses about AuthorityBible Verses about BaalBible Verses about BabiesBible Verses about Bad CompanyBible Verses About BaptismBible Verses about BarnabasBible Verses about BathshebaBible Verses about BeautyBible Verses about Beelzebub...
These are just a few of the many Bible verses that speak about the importance of family. The Bible teaches us that family is a gift from God and that we should love, respect, and care for our family members. When we do this, we build a foundation for a strong and happy family. Rea...
Father, thank You for the strength You pour out to us through Your Word, through the inspiration of others, and through Your Truth in music that is so freely available to us. Help us to be strong in Your power and might. Amen Chrissy Siggee Scripture Verses used are from the New Inter...
s use of Scripture, identifying the particular scriptural verses that are quoted or echoed and categorizing the variations that Luke works on text of the LXX, or on the methods and modes of scriptural interpretation that the use of Scripture reveals. Character studies, and literary studies more ...
Arranged to resemble a menu from a classy restaurant, this site encourages you to 'eat the Word' by providing Appetizers (short--or not so short--studies on specific Bible topics, with commentary), Entrees (lists of Bible verses on specific topics, with
Again, breaking down these verses, we observe something subtle about the Antichrist, aka “the man of sin”and “the son of perdition.’ He opposes by attempting to replace God. Not only does he oppose God, but he exalts himself above all that is called God. In effect, he wants to re...
These are just a couple of verses, among many more in Mark and the other Gospel records giving account of several ladies who were present and accounted for and the band of brothers who had gone AWOL. It’s apparent that the ladies possessed a tender and great strength which the men did ...
Peter sums up the discussion on the general attitude of the believer who suffers as a believer, standing up for Christ. No shame. Glorify God. Audience Next comes our verses, where Peter does not indicate that he is going to talk of both believers and unbelievers. Remember, just a verse ...
This week we are studying 1 John 4:7–21. In verses 1–6, John talks about false teachers. John wants to make sure people stay true to Jesus’ teaching, but there were teachers who had other ideas. Those other teachers were trying to deceive the Christians away from the teaching of Je...
“parashas” according to the number of sabbaths in the intercalary lunar year. To each parasha corresponds a division of the prophetic writings, called haphtara. TheTalmudspeaks of more minute divisions, pesukim, which almost resemble our verses. TheChurchtransferred to theChristianSundaythe ...