Engaging the Bible and praying are the primary methods for developing a deepening relationship with God. While many tend to think of prayer and Bible reading as separate spiritual practices (e.g., first pray, then read the Bible), they can be even more powerful when combined into one ...
Father, even the disciples who walked with Jesus needed to strengthen their faith. Jesus told them if their faith was only the size of a mustard seed, they could uproot trees and crumble mountains. Lord, I need more faith like the disciples. Increase my faith and make me a mover of moun...
contrary the claims of the prosperity preachers,Jesus’s earthly parents were not blessed by God with financial and material wealth.(Of course, in a sense, Mary broughtTHELamb, but she was still under the Levitical law, so, not being able to afford a lamb, she was allowed to...
We need to take a good look at our actions and the motives behind our actions to get to where we want to be. Sometimes we need to take a step back and be contented. If we allow God to use what we have He will take us forward into the desires of our hearts, if it’s in His ...
Or would-be mentors feel they need to work through an artificial list of probing questions instead of developing a personal relationship with their mentee. We don’t think we can change what we do. For years, I followed the same Bible reading plan because it was what I was taught. It to...
And it can serve Christian leaders as a review and a way to sharpen your skills. I pray that God would use this site to grow your Biblical knowledge and strengthen your relationship with Himself. Support This Site I have made the conscious decision to make all the resources on this site ...
Women’s groups are a very special time of fellowship, sharing, bonding, and growth. Women from all different walks of life come together to share their thoughts, engage in Scripture, and discuss what it means to live as a true woman of God. ...
But he was pointing out an area of my spiritual life that I am weak in, and he was suggesting a spiritual practice that could help me strengthen my weakness. My sabbatical could be an excellent time to strengthen my trust in God through what definitely feels like a costly sacrifice. David...
How to Abide in God’s Word February 8, 2020 Learn how to come to the Scriptures in a manner that promotes a thriving, living, transforming relationship with Christ.Read More PrayerScripture EngagementSpiritual Growth Christ: The Center of Scripture ...
REMINDyourself that God is a person who wants a loving relationship with you; therefore, do not merely read or study the Bible.Spend time with Godas you pray to Him, think about Him, and ponder His love. Read, delight in, and meditate on the countless truths He has given you to bless...