It’s true, sometimes we need systems and routines because we don’t always “feel like” doing what we need to. A former pastor once said that one of his best times of prayer occurred when he had to start by confessing to the Lord that he didn’t feel like praying. Sometimes just ...
The World Council of Churches (WCC) Just Community of Women and Men organized a three-hour online advocacy training for church workers on November 27 to equip them with skills to integrate advocacy into preaching, liturgy, and Bible studies. The Rev. Stacey Duensi...
Let’s now see what John sees in those first several verses. In the beginning of chapter 5, we find there’s a problem that needs to be resolved. A scroll needs to be opened. But no one is worthy to break its seals, open it, and look inside. The scroll is crucial to open becaus...
In my role as pastor, there have been numerous situations in which I, believing love required me to give multiple chances to a person, actually enabled their poor performance to linger far too long. I should have applied love in a wider sense, to the rest of the staff or to the whole...
as a help to the better understanding of the Vulgate. The fourth rule places in the hands of the bishop or the inquisitor the power of allowing the reading of theNew Testamentin the vernacular to laymen who according to the judgment of their confessor or their pastor can profit by this pra...
If a pastor wants to comfort those who have lost a loved one, use the words of Paul that he told would give comfort in 1 Thess. 4:18. “Therefore, comfort one another with these words.” Jesus said it too! He doesn’t want our hearts to be troubled, so he describes the many ro...
In the Bible, church leaders were ordained to lead the congregation by being chosen as worthy of leadership by those within the congregation, or appointed by a head such as Paul. “Candidating” in some circles, such as Baptists, means that a pastor is chosen on the basi...
Suddenly, there was a great need for a Pastor. What would that need have looked like to the young disciple John, considering that all they knew about leading people came out of the synagogues, and, even though we do not see this spelled out in scripture, what Jesus might have been teac...
Pastors Bible Verses about Paths in Life Bible Verses about Pentecost Bible Verses about Perfection Bible Verses about Persecution Bible Verses about Petra Bible Verses about Pharisees Bible Verses about Philip Bible Verses about Phoebe Bible Verses about Plagues Bible Verses about Plans Bible Verses ...
~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German pastor, educator and philosopher (1906-1945). When he wrote GOD IN THE MANGER, Dietrich was in prison, awaiting execution for his involvement in anti-Hitler activity. Waiting, hoping, for release that never came. He was executed less than four weeks before Adol...