4、The work of the Holy Spirit in personal experience cannot be disengaged from Scripture.───圣灵在个人的经历的工作是不能舆圣经分割的。 5、Other attendants may read Scripture, hold candles, pack the crowns in a special box after the ceremony.───别的出席婚礼的人则朗读《圣经》,手持蜡烛,...
3When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? Read ChapterAll Versions Psalms 127:3-5 ...
Fonts:Work Sans+Merriweather Full chapter:BeautifulBible.com Deuteronomy 28: 2-3 And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field. ...
For the Scripture says, “You must not muzzle an ox to keep it from eating as it treads out the grain.” And in another place, “Those who work deserve their pay!”English Standard VersionFor the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “...
Brunner was nonetheless a significant theologian in his own right. This little book reflects his deep concern to provide an accessible introduction to Christian faith for those outside the church, as well as initial instruction for those inside. As such, it is a work of apologetics and cateches...
It’s impossible to use this devotional well without having your Bible open alongside it, which is exactly how devotionals ought to work. Reading through Rooted in Hope, I found myself flipping to different passages, wanting to chew through the Word of God and enter more deeply into it. ...
Indeed, if any living creature were to pause to meditate he would undoubtedly realize that these verses are not the work of man, but are solely to be ascribed unto God, the One, the Peerless, Who causeth them to flow forth from the tongue of whomsoever He willeth, and hath not ...
Furthermore, it challenges believers to remain steadfast in proclaiming the simplicity of salvation through faith alone, recognizing that grace magnifies the work of Christ and excludes human boasting, as Paul wrote, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord” (1 Cor 1:31). By the end ...
Dr. Evans’ work contains powerful scripture memorization techniques not taught anywhere else. So powerful in fact, that this book should be in the hands of every Christian across the globe. Why This Amazing Book Was Written Dr. William Evans was the first graduate of the Moody Bible Institute...
Memorized Scripture allows you to dwell continuously on a passage throughout the day. Passages memorized often bring a sense of “ownership”; a passage feels like it “belongs” to you after you have it memorized. In an age when Bibles are readily available, it might seem that the work ...