When I purchased the book I also got the rights to republish it. That’s why I can share with you these brilliant scripture memorization techniques. In theSupreme Memory Book, I'm revealing to you every technique from Dr. Evans manuscript and even use his exact words to make sure that yo...
We contend that man-made traditions, rather than the truth according to Scripture, has produced a modern day Church with little to no resemblance to the Church as described by Christ and His Apostles.
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you whom you have from God and that you are not your own? For you were purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) But God showed us his love: that while we were still...
Ron Raible, the male lead, is so fun, and I made sure that each of the children in the choir had a part that was just "their" voice alone, so they could look back and see how their individual voice mixed in to be part of a greater work. I think we all need to feel that we...
We believe that the facts in evidence show that we are the righteous ones, we are the ones living lives deserving of every pleasure and privilege. We don’t believe that we need mercy at all. We think that we don’t need to be forgiven – so why on earth should we forgive anyone ...
By His perfect obedience and sacrifice Jesus satisfied the justice of God, achieved reconciliation and purchased an everlasting inheritance in heaven for those who believe. Of Free Will.God has planned a salvation that must be freely chosen and that enables a sinful man to be a free chooser....
It allows me to do outside readings for more expansive work and spiritual growth, (I purchased the full plan) Have you also made a 40 day plan, following the same structure? Thank you so much Reply Jaime says January 13, 2021 at 6:30 am Thank you for the kind words! Currently, ...
1 x Our Father, while contemplating that days mystery.On the rosary center, conclude with:1 x Hail Holy Queen “O God, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech Thee, that meditating upon these ...
We are disposed to think, however, that it would have been well had the French Protestants drawn more strongly the line which separated their action as citizens from their action as church members – in other words, given more prominence to their church organization. The theory which they had...
Ask God that Jesus poured out His blood on the cross so that Father’s will could be carried out; and Pray that the Father carry out His perfect will based on the blood of Jesus, which is the legal currency with which He purchased our victory. ...