In all fairness to the unbelievers, there are many things in life on this planet that create unbelief in a Creator God. Even full-blown believers think about these things, but unlike the unbeliever, they have read and understand the words of the prophets about the fall of mankind, sin, th...
In the book of Revelation, a very literal depiction is given to help the reader understand that sin, death, and everything evil come to an end. “They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of...
just as Moses was warnedby Godwhen he was about to erect the tabernacle; for, “See,” He says, “that you make all things by the pattern which was shown to you on the mountain.”
20 “But when yousee Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know thatits desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judeaflee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of herdepart, andlet notthose who are in the country enter her. 22 For these are thedays of vengeance, ...
This is important because there is much confusion today about the beast of Revelation 13 and the mark of the Beast. But, we will see that there is no need for any confusion. Once you see clearly from God’s word the identity of the beast, you are more likely able to see what the ...
Shouldn’t we want to know the truth about the fourth beast and the horn?Canwe know the truth? Yes, we can! How do we know? Because the angel comes back and explains them to Daniel. I came near unto one of them that stood by, andasked him the truth of all this.So he told me...
Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be atime of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the ...
The premise is that life is so complex that it could not evolved slowly and added parts along the way. I once heard the story about the evolution of the porcupine. It quills are reported to have “evolved” over millions of years as they were needed to protect itself from enemies. But,...