"For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust" (Psalm 103:14). "Don't let go!" "Hang on!" "Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown" (Revelation 3:11). These are the words of exhortation that accompany Philadelphia's Promise of our LORD's soon...
To try to be more self-disciplined, we establish habits to aid in godliness, like regular times of reading the Bible or prayer, church attendance, etc. And that’s a good thing. But we all know what it is to have days when we’re just going through the motions, when our eyes are ...
These words are to your measure, not to God's. To this testifieth that which is enshrined within His knowledge, if ye be of them that comprehend; and to this the tongue of the Almighty doth bear witness, if ye be of those who understand. I swear by God, were We to lift the veil...
Matthew Henry says of this passage,It is repeated twice; Be not called Rabbi, neither be ye called Master or Guide: not that it is unlawful to give civil respect to those that are over us in the Lord, nay, it is an instance of the honor and esteem which it is our duty to show ...
(The pope is taken into captivity and dies). A period of 1, 260 years as predicted by God’s word. The Bible says after this time that the “wound would be healed” and this is the time we now live in. The time of the healed papacy that is daily ascending in power and ...
The Trinity is one God existing in three Persons. This does not mean there are three Gods. The word “Trinity” is not found in Scripture. It is a term used to describe the triune God—three coexistent, co-eternal Persons who make up God. In this study, we will see that the concept...
in the sense We have referred to, hath been actually effected in particular instances. A few of these We have mentioned, that it may become manifest to every discerning observer that unto a few untutored holy Men hath been given the mastery of human learning, so that the malevolent opposer...
The words "atoms of dust" and "the great universes" are only words. The idea that they imply is only an idea. The belief that we live here in this existence, divided into various beings, passing food in and out of ourselves, and casting off husks of bodies one after another with no...
” churches that idolized strength and bravery, I can tell you that there is a tremendous amount of bullying and judgment that happens there. It may be a lack of understanding, but for the most part, they, too, are submitting to peer pressure while ignoring what the Word of God says....
Are they even part of our own ideas of the possible? Do we look for these moments in our lives? I think this passage from John for my Bible Burst today is rather interesting. If we just look at the words themselves without taking into context anything else that Jesus has said (which,...