methods, organizations and a world of nervous activities which occupy time and attention but can never satisfy the longing of the heart. The shallowness of our inner experience, the hollowness of our worship and that servile imitation of the world which marks our promotional methods all testify...
yet none of the predictions have come true. Nor are they likely to come true because mainly because that is not the way God works. I go back to the opening statement to keep the point:
The Jews were no more the reason for Jesus’ death than I am. No more than you are. Their “sins” were no more, and no less, sinful than mine. Or yours. The truth of the matter is that He died for all of us because all of us “have sinned and come short of the glory of ...
Another important use of this liquid concoction is that when taken regularly, it can cause you to lose weight. Forget Atkins and all other diet fads. It takes you a little longer to shed those unwanted pounds. But, once you lose them, research has shown that the weight will stay off. T...
negotiate, and compromise responsibly and respectfully, are becoming rare. What used to be fringe and extreme is becoming mainstream with strong opposing currents to be swept up by carrying us away from one another. So far that though we occupy the same space, we are not living in the same...
We can easily imagine the scene that morning in the little village, nestling among the hills. How many memories would occupy Christ as He entered the synagogue, where He had so often sat a silent worshipper! How Mary’s eyes would fill with tears if she was there, and how the companions...
The form which God's judgment will take upon the Jews is to be in full accord with the unchanging law of recompense -- what they have sown, that shall they also reap. This was expressly affirmed by our Lord Jesus: "I am come in My Father's name, and ye receive Me not: if anothe...
Titus 1:2 – Paul says that he is in the “hope” (not the certainty) of eternal life. Paul knows that his hope is a guarantee if he perseveres, but his ability to choose sin over God makes his attainment of eternal life less than an absolute certainty until it is actually achieved...
Muslim “Quranic Studies” (ʿulūm al-Qurʾān) is a discipline that focuses on all aspects of the study of the Quran, including a number of sub-disciplines such as Quran interpretation, which occupy a major portion of the overall Islamic sciences. In general, Muslim scholarship on the...
I say I thought no human being had anything to do with it, but I had forgotten my mother's prayers, and I afterward learned that one of my college classmates had chosen me as one to pray for until I was saved. Prayer often avails where everything else fails. How utterly all of ...