Scripture also never says that faith “leads to works.” Faith is faith and works are works (James 2:18). They are distinct (mind and action), and yet must act together in order to receive God’s unmerited gift of justification. James 2:19 – even the demons believe that Jesus is ...
1 Cor. 14:16-17 – Paul says that the tongues at Corinth were spoken to give thanks to God. While speaking the gospel in a foreign language does indeed give thanks to God, this type of speech may be private communication between God and the speaker, which would not require the use of...
“Even food of which all partake is of three kinds, according to the three modes of material nature. The same is true of sacrifices, austerities and charity. Listen, and I shall tell you of the distinctions of these. Foods in the mode of goodness increase the duration of life, purify o...
26and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” Read ChapterAll Versions Psalms 16:6-8 6The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. 7I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart in...
God's love takes many forms throughout the stories of scripture. Parts of the Bible even refer to God as love itself. Love could be explained as wanting the best for someone, and that's exactly what God intends for us. Discover the best Bible verses abou
You cannot even think that you are being called to learn what you can from the new clergyman instead of looking for cutting ways to teach him a few lessons on what happens when he treats people that way. If you are called to do anything, it’s to criticize him behind his back and ...
This is the Day in which He Who held converse with God hath attained the light of the Ancient of Days, and quaffed the pure waters of reunion from this Cup that hath caused the seas to swell. Say: By the one true God! Sinai is circling round the Dayspring of Revelation, while from...
SIG is making money from hurting individuals. Even celebrities has some expectation of privacy; also politicians. SIG should stop at the home place. But, SIG hides behind a façade that is considered natural or the simple case, the first thought to be the cause. ...
Let not the things, which have been made new, return to their ancient instability…Let no one fall back into that from which he has risen, but, even though from bodily weakness he still languishes under certain maladies, let him urgently desire to be healed and raised up.” (Leo the ...
Beholding Him, I found peace to my soul; I, who was disposed even to despair, rose from the depths of anguish to the heights of joy by looking unto Him; and I therefore dare to say to you, "Behold the Lamb of God?" Oh, that each one of you might believe our testimony concerning...