In a sense of having the least evil, the restrictions caused by the pandemic has to some extent slowed the distribute of SIG’s poisonous info. Although, we must eventually cut the head off of the snake SIG so that we save our personal freedoms. SIG is making money from hurting individual...
If the Church insisted with such determination on theDivine dignity of her Founder, then obviously she did not regard writing to be the essence of His work. It was the Incarnation of the Son of God that was necessary for thesalvationof mankind, and not a book. No book is able, nor cou...
Gen. 3:15 – we see from the very beginning that God gives Mary a unique role in salvation history. God says “I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your seed and her seed.” This refers to Jesus (the “emnity”) and Mary (the “woman”). The phrase “her seed”...
In Christian tradition, pride is also associated withSatan. It was the sin of pride that ledLucifer, the most beautiful and perfect of God’sangels, to rebel against God and fall fromheaven. Drawing upon the war in heaven described in theBook of Revelation, some Christians believe Lucifer en...
The Hebrews writer stated an axiomatic principle that stands on its own without need of proof; what he says is true about every house. But this principle reaches far beyond house building. The "house" is a figure representing all other created things. Just as every house has a builder, so...
Then when Elijah rises, eats, and drinks, he begins a journey… all the way to Mt Horeb. That’s Mt Sinai, far to the south, where Moses had met with God. So we see this time of running for his life becomes a pilgrimage, a marathon run to meet with God on the holy mountain. ...
John 16:7 – this verse also proves the filioque (that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son). The Father isn’t just loving the Son; the Son is loving the Father in return, in the same Spirit of love. Therefore, the Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the...
Canon Of Scripture, as the phrase is usually employed, may be defined as "the Authoritative Standard of Religion and Morals, composed of those writings which have been given for this purpose by God to men." A definition frequently given of the Canon is, that it is "the Catalogue of the ...
No, I cannot prove any of that. You know what we do know? “There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the Italian Regiment, a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave alms generously to the people, and prayed to ...
He is the chaste one, just as Joseph the Patriarch remained chaste in the house of his master. Joseph dared not enter the womb that God had already indwelt. Just as the utensils of the Temple in Babylon remained holy to the Lord after the exile, so Mary’s womb remains holy and ...