Romans 15:4 affirms, "For everything that was written in the past was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope." The promises and truths found in Scripture provide assurance and strength, reminding believers of God's ...
It’s hard to fall into temptation if you are looking to God. God’s aid in our temptation – I Corinthians 10:13 God is faithful. God will not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability. God will provide a way of escape. “But God” has authority over all nations ...
When reading scriptures, make it a habit to emphasize the words that directly support your reason for referring to those texts. 养成好习惯,朗读经文时强调直接支持论点的字眼。 jw2019 (Acts 17:11) They carefully examined the Scriptures to understand the will of God more fully, which helped ...
First, it is through Scripture that God reveals Himself and His will to humanity. As the Apostle Paul writes, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16). This passage underscores the ...
When it comes to dating, the Bible does not explicitly provide guidance. However, there are certain principles that can... What Does the Bible Say About Relationships Before Marriage? Reginald Thomson19/04/20231 minute 45, seconds read God's plan for relationships is clear: sex should be enjo...
读经ScriptureReading:创世纪Genesis221~18 读经(dújīng)ScriptureReading:创世纪Genesis22:1~18 22:1这些事以后,神要试验亚伯拉罕、就呼叫他说、亚伯拉罕、他说、我在这里。SometimelaterGodtestedAbraham.Hesaidtohim,“Abraham!”“HereIam,”hereplied.第一页,共二十五页。22:2神说、你带着你的儿子、就是你...
God did not intend every child to study Scripture. Bog nije namenio da svako dete proucava pismo. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 I then understood the scripture that says: ‘God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.’—Acts 10...
When it comes to dating, the Bible does not explicitly provide guidance. However, there are certain principles that can... What Does the Bible Say About Relationships Before Marriage? Reginald Thomson19/04/20231 minute 45, seconds read God's plan for relationships is clear: sex should be enjo...
Isaiah 25:6 – God will provide a feast of rich foods and choice wines. Amos 9:14 – God declares that His people shall plant their vineyards and drink their wine. Zech. 10:7 – God says that when He saves His people, their hearts shall be glad as with wine. ...
This is God's will for you and your children. This is the starting point for all our relationships as Christians, inside the family or outside. Here the words "be subject to" also means "accommodate to" or "give way to". This means that we should all, including husbands and wives, ...