Psalm 65 starts with silence and ends with shouting and singing. Sometimes our silent worship and contemplation of God’s word and character will erupt into boisterous praise. Sometimes singing God’s songs with other believers will give us something to take home and think about in silence. Some...
On this note, let us turn to Psalm 132. Like 2 Samuel 23, this Scripture speaks of David’s kingship and the LORD’s covenant. But it starts with a reference to David’s hardship, and his determination to establish a dwelling place for his God, which is most likely to be the temple...
This typical objection to the existence of God almost always starts with an “If” followed by a “why.” “If” there is a God, then “why” is there suffering in this world? “If there is a God,“why” did He let my mother die?” “If” there is a God, “why” do I stru...
Evidence of God’s existence starts with a willing search. You can’t find or learn something if you don’t want to look. Many don’t want to look at it either due to time or just not being interested. The result is quick opinions about something they know very little. They become s...
True Community Starts Where Convenience Ends (Romans 12:15) December 22, 2024 “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” (Roman 12:15 ESV) The above commands are harder than we might assume at first blush. When we are weeping, it can be hard to rejoice, let alone ...
Again, their smug holier-than-thou attitude shines through. But Jesus says something that is powerful underneath the stern language. He starts with the idea that if they loved the God of Abraham they would love Him if they understood His words, but they are incapable of doing so. ...
The answers will come in three main categories:“God“, “No God“, and “I don’t know.“The“No God“category of people ask a good question. although it is more like a rhetorical question designed to support their own philosophy about life. It usually starts with an “if.” The wor...
Let’s start with this easy question. If a soul can die, then is it immortal (i.e. not subject to death)? Of course not! You can’t die and then, at the same time, be no longer subject to death or immortal. They are opposing conditions. ...
(nor the letter), He is magnifying it. He is making it clear that disobedience starts in the sinful mind. If a person is to live by the letter and the spirit, they must be born again in order to have a spiritual mind. If they do, they obey because they love God not with a ...
When I read Bible prophecy, it has a strange effect of letting me know where my heart stands with God. The effect can be fearful or it can be comforting. All people have the invitation to move from fearful (lost) to comforting (saved from the penalty of sin i.e., eternal death) ...