This scriptures search is easily divided into the chapter and verse. Therefore it will not be difficult for the common folk to find a specific scripture in their time of need. Tosearch the scripturesis to find one. How can you find the word of God if you do not know what to look for...
The problem is you're studying the scriptures wrong and your lack of success has led to apathy, frustration, and bad habits. You read hoping to pick up something, but never search the scriptures because the tools you use lack the power to do it properly and then record your insights. ...
Check your comprehension as you read the scriptures with a fun, interactive quiz! Scripture Search Quiz is an app that will guide users through the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, New Testament, Pearl of Great Price, and Old Testament using search questions for every verse. This app ...
Read Bible verses by topic and search Scriptures for what the Bible says on hundreds of topics. Whether for encouragement, inspirational, forgiveness, love, strength, peace, anxiety, or more - find the most popular Scripture quotes for your need..
�BIBLE STUDY SERIES-SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES� is a series of bible studies consisting of topics that have been and are the focus of discussion within much of the �Christian Community�. A motivation for preparing these study materials is to impress upon those who read them that the legit...
Check your comprehension as you read the scriptures with a fun, interactive quiz! Scripture Search Quiz is an app that will guide users through the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, New Testament, Pearl of Great Price, and Old Testament using search questions for every verse. This app ...
Search the scriptures—search the revelations which we publish, and ask your Heavenly Father, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, to manifest the truth unto you, and if you do it with an eye single to His glory nothing doubting, He will answer you by the power of His Holy Spirit. ...
Bible prophecy is about much more than just a prediction theLast Days,for found within its words is evidence of both the identity and the authenticity of the true Messiah of God. About this, Jesus said, “Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: andthey are they...
While that emphasis is needed, I feel some take it too far. Some say we were never meant to read God’s Word alone, but in community. It’s true that for many years, people didn’t have their own copies of the Scriptures. All they had was what was shared and discussed when they ...
Scripture Search Box provides a search box in your browser to easily search the scriptures of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints found on You can enter a scripture reference, such as John 3:16, or a topic, such as love, into the search ...