In effect, Satan wants to replace God. He does it through surrogates: This has been Satan’s motive from the start…to oppose God, but to do it indirectly by replacing God with someone else. This is the spirit of the Antichrist. Paul seems to be drawing on this passage in Isaiah, “...
Please let me know your thoughts regarding this dear brother. Thanks Reply Brandon says: May 11, 2018 at 11:13 am Read this: Reply Bro. Shawn says: May 11, 2018 at 11:44 am I already read this and I can’t seem to find ...
Imagine the call of God on your life in combination with the betrayal of your own son. Consider the treachery and the emotional storm to navigate through. Place yourself in David’s position – God has placed you on the throne, and yet your own blood is your greatest enemy and the one ...
The best theory regarding the meaning of the white stone probably has to do with the ancient Roman custom of awarding white stones to the victors of athletic games. The winner of a contest was awarded a white stone with his name inscribed on it. This served as his “ticket” to a specia...
Regarding hunger alone, the website ofWorld Against Hungerindicates we are making little to no progress on feeding every person: “Around the world, more than enough food is produced to feed the global population—but as many as 811 million people still go hungry. After steadily declining for...
This text is ample evidence of the major contribution that the Apostle Paul has made in his seven letters of guidelines regarding how followers of Jesus should respond to the proclamation of the gospel. We are to be “boiling over” with the Spirit of God, rejoicing in the hope that God ...
God is absolutely important, and my own experience of faith affirms that. But personal relationship with God has little to do with individualism, where the “I” (instead of the self-giving Christ!) is the centre of everything. I find that I have to come to terms with the fact that ...
that the only victorious antagonist to the self-regarding temperament of average men, and the only power which will change philanthropy from a sentiment into a self-denying and active principle of conduct, is to be found in the belief of the love of God in Jesus Christ, and in answering lo...
If you are having doubts about Jesus, it might be that you have not sought the answers. For this study, let’s try to understand why there is so much confusion regarding the truth about God, Jesus, and our purpose on earth. ___ If you think about it, your religious preference, world...
Attempt to arrive at this book’s specific understanding of this theme by making use of all the book says about the theme. Be open to variation and complexity, and to seeing things you didn’t expect. What observations can you make regarding the theme’s role in the overall theology of ...