1.the sacred writings of a religion.Buddhist and Hindu scriptures.escritura 2.the Bible.Sagradas Escrituras ˈscripturaladjective bíblico Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this pa...
II Timothy 2:15 A BRIEF NOTE ON HOW TO EFFECTIVELY BEGIN SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION: One of the simplest ways to memorize Scripture is to say a verse (or group of verses), with the reference, five times in the morning and five times in the evening for one week. At the end of one week,...
He Who is the sovereign Lord of all is come. The Kingdom is God’s, the omnipotent Protector, the Self-Subsisting. Worship none but God, and, with radiant hearts, lift up your faces unto your Lord, the Lord of all names. This is a Revelation to which whatever ye possess can never ...
On the other hand, while it apparently stretches even Jamat's credulity to think Jonah penned the "psalm" of chapter 2 in stylish poetry in the belly of the fish, I find myself agreeing with him that it loses something of its force if it doesn't draw on the writer's actual, personal...
Daniel 7: 21-The little horn makes war on them. So, they have an enemy. This is a reference to the religious persecution of those who broke away from the Roman Catholic traditions, as verified in the history of the Reformation.
the greatest Fathers of the Church labored to the point of blood. They were unbending in the battle for this truth. They did not yield a single inch to their adversaries, literarily not even a singleiota,which in the Greek language differentiateshomoiousion,“of similar essence,” fromhomoous...
the time of the Crucifixion. We might expect his description of her to be in more familiar terms. Because St. John’s Gospel is considered to be profoundly interpretive in its report of the details of Jesus’ life, we can legitimately wonder if his reference to Mary as “the mother of ...
Either the wicked scatter of the righteous exult, even jump for joy. David continues with the righteous, and how they are reacting to the ark of the covenant arriving from the deserts. Might David be referring to the 40 years, where God was leading the rebellious nation, that first ...
Look unto Him, mark His footsteps, tread in them. Do as He bids you, take Him for your Lord, become His disciples, His servants. Behold the Lamb of God, and always behold Him. Look to Him, look up to Him, and follow where He leads the way. ...
Matt.18:10 –“See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.” Jesus’ use of “their angels” (hoi angeloi auton) in reference to “one of these little ones” (enos ton micron...