to find a significant space for personal prayer and for readingtheScriptureinhis/her life, beginning with the Gospel. 我们也期望团体内的每个成员,都有个人祈祷的理想地方,在生活中阅读圣经,並要从福音开始阅读。
for permission to conduct Divine service in the Slavic language. The pontiff feared that the reading of theBiblein the vernacular would lead to irreverence and wrong interpretation of the inspired text (St. Gregory VII, “Epist.”, vii, xi). The second document belongs to the time of the ...
Reading in Communion: Scripture and Ethics in Christian Life Christians have often been described as 'people of the Book'. This is typically a claim about the centrality of Scripture for Christian life. While we do not disagree that Scripture is central to Christian life, we want to go furthe...
An excellent and profound discussion on this same subject can be read also in theEpistle of the Patriarchs of the Eastern-Catholic Church on the Orthodox Faith:[36]“Therefore the witness of the Catholic Church is, we believe, not inferior in authority to that of Divine Scripture. For one ...
After reading his book it became clear to me that Beckwith’s decision to return to Rome was based on his conviction that the Protestant Evangelical church is deficient on two important points. He is convinced that the Roman Catholic Church can claim historical validation for being the one true...
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below As the crowd approaches, Jesus asks Philip, “Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?” Now, the story gets really interesting, because St. John tells us the question is a test. What answer was Jesus looking for? Did He expect Philip to know...
I have to tell you, though, the thing that most struck me was how this devotional is written for every Catholic woman–not every married Catholic mom of little ones, as often seems the case, but every Catholic woman, whatever her vocation or stage of life. Different days focus on differen...
Catholic Public Domain VersionGod has not driven away his people, whom he foreknew. And do you not know what Scripture says in Elijah, how he calls upon God against Israel?New American BibleGod has not rejected his people whom he foreknew. Do you not know what the scripture says about ...
This is opposed to eisegesis, which is “reading into the text” or reading “into the text what you want it to say,” he explained. He said in Catholic exegesis “we try to use every tool available to help us to understand what the meaning of the text was when it wa...
God. Nevertheless, we see in this text that the Lord is basically supportive of Jeremiah. We, too, believe when we are driven by God to become inspired individuals, God is basically supportive of us. Like Jeremiah, however, we sometimes must wait a long time for evidence of God’s ...