If interested, what follows is a homily I delivered on this reading BACK IN 2021: I very rarely do this when preaching, but today I am going to focus on one line of scripture. It comes from the very first line we heard from Genesis: The LORD God said: It is not good for man to...
Traveling to a spot that they would visit regularly. Having a shot of their favorite whisky or pouring some on the ground for them. Or even reading their favorite book or listening to their favorite tracks are all good examples. Organizing The Funeral If you are looking to organize the ...
For the first time I’ve been able to teach Justo Mwale’s course on Paul’s letters, which can seem different to read here in Zambia versus reading them in America. As my students have looked closely at Paul’s thoughts, they have been struck by how he put himself into situations of ...
And so we have theprophetic wordconfirmed,which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts;knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation,forprophecy never came by the will...
for the Lord fought for Israel.” This is the most powerful passage which supports a geocentric view of the universe. This passage clearly says that both the sun and moon stopped moving. This is the literal reading of the passage, and the passage does not warrant a figurative or phenomenolog...
A note on some of the terminology The article was originally written in Chinese, and did not contain any Naxi phonetics or Dongba script. Proper Naxi nouns are therefore transcribed in pinyin. Using my dictionaries I have traced the original Naxi for some of the terms:Continue reading→ ...