so are our Christian traditions a form of continually re-grounding ourselves in the narrative of redemption. The consistent ‘return of old things in new times,’ Chesterton tells us, . . . . the regularity of our holiday rituals is a way of maintaining godly sanity in ...
In Luke chapter four the Lord Jesus combats the devil's temptation by responding with specific Scriptures dealing with each temptation, which is so needed to overcome sins of the heart (Luke 4:4, 8, 12; I Corinthians 10:13). God is faithful to make a way of escape for every temptation...
but how they feel, think, operate, and relate to others and their needs and motivations, are much the same. Beneath the surface, you’ll often find a desire to affirm a sense of superiority or escape from a sense of inferiority. These are typical ...
If it could be proved to you, without a doubt, of God’s existence, would you become a believer and seeker of Him and truth? Most would say, “No, I am too busy with my life.” Is it possible that unbelief is not because of a so-called lack of evidence but of something else?
“For those are slothful who, having it in their power to provide themselves with proper proofs for the divine Scriptures from the Scriptures themselves, select only what contributes to their own pleasures. And those have a craving for glory who voluntarily evade, by arguments of a diverse sort...
David Smith is well versed in the history of mission, missiology, and the Bible. This is demonstrated by his familiarity with the works of Justo González, Walter Brueggemann, Kevin Vanhoozer, Robert Jewett, and Leslie Newbigin. His competence in these areas allows him to provide a lucid, ...
Did he understand the trial, the self cleansing, the regret I had been through. Highly doubtful – he was probably just tired and dealt with me quickly so he could have a few minutes of rest. Did he require justice to be enacted to provide forgiveness to me? No – his decision was ba...
He ultimately entered the catholic priesthood as a means to provide for himself, but there is little evidence that he was active in the church outside of his scholarly pursuits. He was a staunch critic of ecclesiastical abuses and pushed hard for reform inside the catholic system from his ...
The report was written over several years by the Pontifical Biblical Commission, which is a part of the CDF, and aims to provide a study of the whole of scripture on the topic of human anthropology, aimed as a resource for scholars and students. ...
2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. ...